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Introduction to Freelance Science Writing

1 min
guide to scicomm  ✺  video  ✺  okidokiboki

One of the things I love about science communication is just how big of a world it is. There's so many different types of media to work in, so many different subjects to cover, and so many ways to be someone who makes a living out of it.

But that big-ness can be overwhelming to navigate! When I was in grad school, it was exciting to feel like I could end up doing anything...but also kind of terrifying. Over the past few years, I've heard from more students who are interested in science communication and science writing, either as a hobby or as a career. I've presented at graduate student symposiums on this topic, and I try to respond to questions I get online when I can.

I've also made a few videos collecting my thoughts on freelance science writing as a career, and I'm gathering them here so that they're hopefully useful to anyone needs them.

The first video is a guide to how I categorize the different types of science writing/scicomm jobs out there, and how I

I’ve been a freelance science writer since 2019, and while it wasn’t what I initially set out to do, it’s ended up being rewarding in a way that I didn’t expect. So in this second video, I talk about what I learned in my first year as a freelancer, and some of the things that helped me with the challenges of finding work and writing contracts.


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